The holidays are upon us! While the kids are getting ready for Santa to land on the rooftop with all of his reindeer, keep their precious minds occupied with these easy Christmas crafts. Each one of these Christmas crafts is parent and kid-approved!
Cinnamon Ornaments
Cinnamon ornaments look and smell exactly like a delicious cinnamon cookie. Rather than using eggs and butter, combine ground cinnamon, unsweetened applesauce, and craft glue to make the recipe. The craft glue will allow the ornaments to be stored for ages without scarifying the smell of cinnamon, which brings out the holiday cheer in us all. The kids can help make the ornaments and decorate them too!
Sock Snowman
Rather than hunting down the missing sock, use the one you have to stuff and make an adorable sock snowman! The kids can fill the socks with rice before you, the parent, sews them shut. Then, your little ones can add all the yarn, buttons, paint, glitter, and more to their sock snowman.
Gift Wrapped LEGO
This gift-wrapped LEGO ornament is great for any kid who likes to build and tinker with their LEGO set. Ask your little one to build a gift box of any shape. It can be long, small, or anything their heart desires. Once their boxes are complete, ask them to tie a bow around it. This Christmas craft is incredibly easy and can help some of their toys stay off the ground. If the kids want their toys back after Christmas, it’s incredibly easy to untie the ornaments.
Christmas Tree Plates
Makers, beads, and plates – oh my! Depending on their age – and your comfort level – decide if you or your little one will cut the plates into the shape of the tree. Then, glue or tape them together and begin to color away! Have your little one make some string beads to create Christmas lights and attach them to the tree. This Christmas craft is great for families and daycares alike!
The final countdown for Christmas is always exciting with little ones around. Their creativity will come to life as they create these Christmas crafts that will become precious keepsake memories and stored with your other holiday decorations.