The fall presents the perfect opportunity to “warm” up your home décor. There are many ways to complete this process and create a cozy home, perfect for welcoming guests and relaxing with your family. A few of these fall-friendly ideas are listed below for your perusal:
Add Warmth Through a Rug
During the fall when temperatures begin to plummet, your feet can get a bit chilly if you don’t have carpet. To warm up your space, try adding a rug that will incorporate warm colors as well as provide actual warmth to the space by covering chilly floors.
Incorporate Warm Textures by Adding Throws
Another way to warm up a space is to utilize throws. This is literally a way to warm up the space as you can cover up with a warm, fluffy, comfortable throw. However, it also creates texture when you situate a throw over the arm of an overstuffed chair or sofa. Although you can choose throws in fall colors, like deep reds, dark yellows, and burnt orange, you don’t have to limit yourself to “traditional fall colors”, you can also choose charcoal, tan or creams.
Opt For Cloth or Linen Sofas Over Colder Finishes
While leather sofas are aesthetically pleasing, they can be too cold in the coolers months. Instead, it’s a great idea to choose an equally aesthetically sofa that also happens to provide warmth. Selecting a linen sofa is just one example of how choosing a warmer furniture fabric can enhance the literal and perceived warmth of your home.
Faux Fireplace
If you don’t have a fireplace, adding a faux fireplace that doubles as an entertainment center and/or heater can be a great way to literally warm up your décor. Many of these fireplaces look authentic and even include faux logs.
The above suggestions include a few ways you can incorporate fall and the warmth that it entails into your home décor. Take them into consideration as you contemplate how to warm up your décor.